The most awesome Laravel powered blog

You have been looking for a Laravel blogging solution for quite some time. One that’s easy to implement on its own, but also plays nice with existing implementations. And, of course, it has to look amazing. You researched what`s out there, browsed repos and collections, counted your options and here you are. You found it.

Material Blog PRO Laravel is easy to customize compared to Wordpress and other CMS platforms with inconsistent backend, bloated plug-ins and look-alike design. Because it comes with an already implemented Laravel backend, it has all the core features you need in a blog, right out of the box. Heck, you can even use it as it is.

Material Blog PRO Laravel will save you up to 140+ hours of development. You can get your blog up and running in no time, while the Material inspired design will guarantee everything looks and feels seamless.

In short, this is what you get by downloading Material Blog PRO Laravel:

  • A fully-functional blog with a Laravel-powered admin panel and a Material Design frontend

  • Example pages to get you inspired

  • A ready-to-use solution

Control who accesses your blog. Role-based authentication

Material Blog PRO Laravel comes with three default user roles: admin, author and member. Based on these roles, users have different permission levels to access and edit information.

Admins can handle both content and user management. They can edit, delete and add articles, article categories and tags, in addition to adding, editing and deleting users and roles.

Authors can manage content. They can add articles and accompanying categories and tags, as well as edit or delete the articles they`ve written. They can also edit their own profile information.

Members can only comment on articles, once logged in. They can also edit their profile information.

You can check out these roles & permissions in action by logging in either as admin, author or member in the live preview.

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Manage content and users. Out of the box CRUD functionalities

The Laravel-powered backend takes care of everything an admin should be able to do. You get fully implemented:

  • Category management. You can create categories for articles and add a suggestive picture and description for each category, in addition to editing and deleting categories.

  • Tag management. You can edit, delete and add article tags and color-code them for a better user experience.

  • Article management. This is probably one of the functionalities included in Material Blog PRO Laravel which will save you the most time, as every article has a picture, belongs to a category and can have multiple tags.

  • User & role management. Users and their roles are listed, with the possibility of adding new ones or editing and deleting existing ones.

  • Profile editing. You have the option of editing the current logged in user`s profile, including personal details, contact information and password.

Log in as admin in the live preview to get a feel of these ready to use CRUDs. In the left-hand menu, you`ll find everything broken down into useful functionalities: Categories, Tags, Articles, Users and Roles.

Put your design cap on. Example pages

The blog also comes with several example pages to get you inspired and help you go from prototyping to delivery faster. You can get a sense of the look & feel of Material Blog PRO Laravel by browsing:

  • Homepage

  • All articles example page

  • Article example page

  • Articles listed by author, category and tag examples pages

Additional Material goodies included

The blog`s frontend is built using Material Kit PRO and Material Dashboard PRO, which you also get, for free, in addition to the blog. This means extra goodies such as:

  • over 1000 handcrafted components

  • pre-built examples pages, from shopping cart and e-commerce to profile page and landing page

  • a large number of sections for putting pages together faster

Material Blog PRO Laravel is built to make deadlines less scary and repetitive tasks, like CRUD work, less boring. All of this through an admin panel that looks and works amazing and a frontend designed to deliver a great user experience. Get it now here.

Published on Oct 21, 2024 • 5 min read
Category: Technology

Admin Guy

I keep things running smoothly here. Just call me the Wizard of Oz.


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