Article page

The article page has, besides the article content, a comment section and a more articles section.

In order to comment, you have to be logged in with a member type account. You can either go to the top menu and click on the "Login as" button or go directly to /login?role=1. To log in as a member, use the following credentials:

The App\Http\Controllers\Blog\ArticleController holds the show function, which handles the details about the article, the comments and the more articles section.

              public function show(Article $article, Comment $modelComment)
                  $article = \App\Article::find($article->id);
                  $moreArticles = \App\Article::published()->publishedUntilToday()->category($article->category_id)->orderBy('publish_date', 'desc')->take(3)->get();
                  return view('', compact(['article', 'moreArticles']));

The Resources\Views\Blog\Show.blade.php holds the information about handling the details about the article, the comments and the more articles section.