
The user can have one of the three roles: Admin, Author and Member. As an Admin, the user can manage the blog, as an Author the user is able to manage the articles and as a member the user can comment. For all of these roles there are default credentials:

For logging in, the user can press the Laravel Login As button in the top navbar or by simply adding /login in the url.

The App\Http\Controllers\Auth\LoginController handles the user's authentication.

                            public function showLoginForm(Request $request)
                                $userName = '';
                                $userType = $request->input('role');
                                switch ($userType) {
                                    case '1':
                                        $userName = 'admin';
                                    case '2':
                                        $userName = 'author';
                                    case '3':
                                        $userName = 'member';
                                        $userName = 'admin';
                                return view('auth.login', compact(['userName', 'userType']));

There are validation rules in case of entering wrong data in the inputs. Also, according to its role, the user has access to pages and operations like deleting other users.